I’ve been a frequent lurker and contributor to a variety of psychedelic subreddits for several years now, and have thus watched the ebbs and flows of younger people exploring and experimenting with these drugs, largely out of the sheer curiosity these substances generate. It has however, pained me to see that in light of the great strides of progression western society has made in systematically removing the stigma that has surrounded psychedelics since the 1960’s (and continued to persist well into today amongst many circles), that a great many of youthful spirits are engaging with these substances under the very sort of pretenses that contributed to their initial demonization. What’s worse, is that a significant amount of younger people have taken outright dangerous, and frankly stupid approaches to the appropriation and usage of these substances.
Being a veteran psychonaut, I cannot stand idly by and leave these younger people to waste themselves and their fool-hearty minds into the myriad of problems that awaits them, when approaching psychedelics.
That said, I am not stupid nor naïve enough to believe that the ramblings of slowly graying Millennials like myself will in any capacity change the course of decision-making of the youth. So rather than wagging a proverbial finger at these younger people, who are undoubtedly going to “do what they do”, I instead have opted to write this as a message of wisdom, in efforts to share with them the potential follies, safety precautions, and harm prevention methods that everyone should be wary of, regardless of age and experience.
The Subreddits pertaining to psychedelia in general, have at the most basest of philosophies, always maintained a welcoming and open minded approach. That said, I have unfortunately seen an all-too passive approach regarding the condemnation of psychedelic misuse, particularly involving volatile environments, and volatile dosages. (E.g. kids taking LSD at school, and/or taking entirely too much of a substance, or too frequently)
Disclaimer: I in no way shape or form, condone the usage of any illicit drugs, psychedelic or otherwise, by underage peoples. It is largely presumed by most of the matured psychedelic community that these substances are not to be used by anyone under the age of 21, and from a great majority of the studied psychology community, that age extends to 25 years.
So without further ado, here are my fundamental guidelines for partaking in psychedelics.
They say “Environment is everything”, and while this is only but one of the elements to consider when choosing to move forward with psychedelic usage, this is perhaps the one of the highest importance. While Tripping, particularly on LSD and Psilocybin, the user is under a state of highly influential mania, that is, a sort of hypnotic impression whereby the external stimuli one encounters will possibly dictate, and most certainly determine the experience to come. Like a sponge, you will absorb all of the lingering emotional energies around you. So in a place like a bar, party, or concert, where you have no inclination of determining what sort of stimuli you might encounter, the higher the odds are for your Trip to go very badly. If you are a beginner, and new these sort of experiences, it is best to do so in a place where you have a predetermined sense of safety and security, and are accompanied by someone who has some semblance of experience with psychedelics.
Commonly, these people are referred to as “Trip Sitters”.
A good Trip sitter knows that you will be acting very strange (per the standard of normalcy in day-to-day society) and will only act as a mediator between you and anything you could potentially harm yourself with. An example of this comes from my first LSD Trip, where I looked out a friend’s second story window and said “Hey, I should go out on the roof for a better view.” To which my experienced friend said, “I actually think that’s not a very good idea, but hey, have you ever seen something like this before?” as they handed me an artbook full of abstract pictures that thoroughly disenthralled me from my desires to go exploring on the roof.
The entire purpose of ensuring a safe environment, is the mediation of external stimuli. Too much stimuli can very easily throw the user into a frantic state of “though loops” where time will be presumed to be on an inescapable repetition of itself, causing serious disorientation, and generating a higher likelihood of the experience as a whole going south.
I also recommend distancing yourself from your phone, as you are likely to receive what could be described as nothing less than ‘life changing epiphanies’, where sometimes the user might convince themselves they have discovered the secrets of the universe, and needs to starting sharing this information with everybody and anybody they can immediately. I recommend instead you keep a notebook nearby you, so that you can scribble these ‘divine messages’ for later consultation, that you can spitball with your friends or other fellow psychonauts.
State of Mind:
The next point, which is arguably as important as Environment, is one’s own State of Mind. Things get much trickier here, because no two psyches match 1:1, and what could be a green flag for one person, could very well be another person’s undoing.
Generally speaking, it is ill-advised to move forward with a Trip, if one has encountered any significant trauma in recent memory. E.g. a romantic break-up, a friend or loved one dying, fired from job, etc. Each of these are subjective to the individual, because psychedelics (specifically psilocybin) can be extremely helpful and even healing when contrasted with some of these traumas. However, those traumas can also introduce a significant variability of a possibly hostile mindset, of which will almost certainly send the user plummeting into the deepest reaches of a hell they have formulated in their subconscious.
You want all of your personal and professional responsibilities addressed. Trying to flee from those responsibilities via psychedelics will almost certainly cause those very items to haunt you. Few things are worse than receiving an important work call while you are tap-dancing on the existential tandem between material reality and the imaginal scape of self-actualization.
Substance Verification:
Do not take your plug’s word for it. Test your stuff.
For LSD, you can purchase a Police grade testing kit at Amazon on the cheap, but if you prefer something more catered to users, rather than law enforcement, then there are a plethora of sites with verifiable credentials in identifying the substance you intend to take. There are many look-alikes to LSD, most notably a substance called 25I-NBOMe (also known as N-boms), which has a similar chemical structure as LSD but has also been associated with cardiovascular problems, and there have also been reports of people overdosing, because they didn’t know the substance (and therefore proper dosage) they were taking.
Psilocybin mushrooms are much harder to test, but easier to visually identify. Thanks to the erosion of that aforementioned stigma, there are loads of online resources for fungus identification. The most common “magic mushroom” is called psilocybe-cubensis, and are easily identifiable via their golden crowns with notable brain-like shapes, and relatively long, off-white stems. It’s also important to identify whether your mushrooms in question are in fact contaminated. This is easily identifiable by the mushrooms having significant discolorations that are usually black, which is not to be confused with simply bruising, which result in a more blueish (almost gray) discoloration. The former (contamination) tends to cover the majority of the mushroom, while the latter (bruising) tends to only be in segregated and blotchy areas. A commonly accepted safer method of consumption is to make a tea out of your mushrooms by steeping them in near boiling water for 20 minutes. This ensures an even distribution of the active ingredient (psilocybin) as well as killing off any possible bacterial residue that may be lurking on the mushroom. Note: Do not attempt consume contaminated mushrooms, even if they are boiled.
Link to fungus identification guide:
Link to fungus contamination guide:
For substances like DMT and Ketamine (neither of which I have any experience with), there are testing methods that might take more digging to find, but I assure you they are out there. These two are most particularly dangerous, in the sense they often come in a somewhat powdered form, and if you have ever placed your ear to the ground, you have undoubtedly heard of the issues coinciding with all powdered drugs being cut with the nefarious opioid, fentanyl, which currently holds the championship belt for causing overdose related deaths. Again, know what you have before dosing. It’s like taking an Uber home from a night out drinking. Would you make it home safely without catching a DUI, hurting yourself, or someone else? Probably. Do you really want to risk all that in lieu of saving $30?
Link to DMT Test Kit (Police Grade)
Link to MDMA & Ketamine Testing Kits
This is where younger people tend to make their biggest mistakes. I could free-associate for a great many paragraphs about the follies of the false sense of immortality that runs rampant within younger people (most especially in young males), but in lieu of that, I think it’s better to reference to an old story.
As some of you may know, the psychedelic community has branded special characterizations (or names) for different levels of dosing. Most of these are taken out of context (such as the Heroic Dose of 5 grams of mushrooms, as coined by Terrence McKenna), and seldom hold any real substantial value to the psychonaut, aside from feeding their ego. It is here where so many people go very wrong, where they (ironically) begin bragging about achieving “ego-death” and effectively convince themselves of being far more enlightened that they actually are. Another name coined in the dosage category is that of the Icarus dose, which unlike “Heroic Dose” affirmatively capitulates the hidden message in the name.
In Greek mythology, Icarus was the son of a great scientist and engineer, who used his father’s invention of wax wings, to fly as high as the Sun-god Apollo. Apollo warned Icarus not to fly too close, but alas Icarus was too proud, and eventually his wings were melted by Apollos flame, and he plummeted into the sea, and to his untimely death.
The purpose of this story is to illustrate how pride can lead to one’s own demise. When dealing with psychedelics, the same is infinitely true. There is no denying the pattern in mythological stories, where a boyish attitude trespasses into the godly realms, and is cut down with seismic force and ironic fervor.
Do you understand the story of Icarus? Do you grasp his follies and juxtapose them with your own? These are things to meditate on when deciding on the sort of dosage you want to employ on your travels. Failing to understand this, and by association, your own limitations, can and almost certainly will send you plummeting into the proverbial sea.
These substances are tools, and not toys. And while you might encounter perhaps some of the most significant and enjoyable experiences of your life while using them, you can also suffer greatly from them as well. As a great many Redditors on various psychedelic subs have said, “Do not disrespect the psychedelic gods. If you do, they will certainly punish you for it.”
Alright, now that I’m finished with the finger wagging that I said I wouldn’t do, let’s move on the suggested doses. I must preface this with the fact that none of these doses are tested or proven in a laboratory, and dosing levels and their effects vary from person to person. If you are a beginner, it is best to start on the low-side, and learn how your body, mind, and spirit react with them.
I will only focus on the two substances I have personal experience with: LSD and Psilocybin Mushrooms. It may be noted, that there is no known lethal dose of either of these substances, and therefore do not have knowable over-dose limits when contrasted with opioids like fentanyl and uppers like cocaine. However, the damages that can most often occur with psychedelics is psychological trauma, or worse, causing physical self-harm due to being in a deranged state on mania. And these sorts of unintended events can occur, even at lower doses.
LSD is measured in micrograms (ug), and in pure form is a clear liquid, but that is rarely seen in circulation. It most often comes in the form of either paper tabs, or gel tabs, where each tab can typically measure anywhere from 50ug (common for paper) or 100ug (common for gel). I have seen proclamations circulating about many of the Reddit forums, stating that they are in possession of 250ug tabs, but these hold very little validity, and I feel are examples unethical marketing by plugs (drug-dealers).
A common safe dosing range for LSD is 50ug-200ug. I myself have taken up to 300ug, but stand solidly by the notion that 200ug is my “happy place”. 300ug was (although fun at times), very demanding on my body and mind, which left me feeling extremely burnt out by the end of the Trip.
Psilocybin itself is measured in milligrams (mg), however finding pure psilocybin is basically non-existent outside of a laboratory. Alternatively, psilocybin is generally measured by the weight of its host, the Psilocybin (magic) Mushroom in dehydrated or dried grams. Another method of measuring is in “wet” grams, which is simply describing a mushroom shortly after cultivation, however I won’t focus on this, since there isn’t a strong consensus in dosing ranges, and unless you are yourself a grower or harvestor, the likelihood of you taking fresh psilocybin mushrooms is fairly low.
There are a great variety of breeds of these sorts of mushrooms, each with their own potency of psilocybin. Two common household examples of different breeds are Golden Teachers & Penis Envy, both of which are considered on the higher side of potency.
Instead I will focus dosage recommendations for the most common breed of magic mushroom, called Psilocybe-Cubensis. A lower dose typically ranges between 1.5g - 2.5g. Here (again depending on the individual) one can expect a heightened state of euphoria and mood elevation, an increased sensitivity to stimuli such as music and food, and some visuals (often referred to as hallucinations or manifestations). A moderate dose typically ranges from 2.5g - 3.5g, where all of the former functions from the lower dose are significantly amplified, as well as the welcome addition of closed-eyed visuals, often recounted by psychonauts as being visionary experiences. Also at this level, one can expect oddity of time dilation, or time losing meaning altogether. A High dose starts at 3.5g and continues to any point beyond that. At these levels, reality itself begins to disintegrate, and conceptual self-hood begins to break down, which often results in the aforementioned proclamations of “ego-death”, where the subject experiences something akin to death itself.
I have taken a dose as high as 7 grams, but my personal “happy place” clocks in usually between 2.5g - 3.0g, in which I consume them in tea-form. At this level I will undergo a variety visionary experiences, and often even ego-dissolution. For an example of one of these experiences, I'll leave a link to one of my Trip reports here.
If you are a beginner, then I highly suggest you get your toes wet with 2 grams or less, and determine your personal preferences from there.
Don’t be an idiot and assume that because you can drink a lot of beer, or smoke a ton of bud, that you can dive straight into a heavy mushroom or LSD dose. Psychedelics operate fundamentally different from other substances, and treating them like a competition will result in poor and even destructive outcomes.
Nonetheless, even if a Trip turns bad on you, all hope is not lost. Psychedelic pioneer, and modern godfather of psilocybin mushrooms, Terence Mckenna, had this to say when encountering a bad Trip:
While no method is a 100% guarantee, I can personally attest to the effectiveness of this technique:
Micro Dosing
LSD: I do not recommend this. While I have never partaken myself, I have witnessed four different first hand accounts of personal friends that attempted micro dosing LSD for an elongated period, all of whom reported back with very unfavorable findings.
Psilocybin: I have tried micro-dosing mushrooms on a few occasions, and have several friends that self-medicate with them at extremely low doses (less than 1 gram, and usually no more than once per week) to treat depression. Understand again that I am more akin to a Witch Doctor (emphasis on witch), in that I am not a medical professional in any capacity, and am not providing medical advice. Rather reporting on first hand accounts, as well as my own.
This is perhaps the biggest area most new Trippers skip over, which is simply having a plan for your Tripping self. The last thing you want is to be standing around, trying to figure out what it is you want to do, whilst reality is melting.
Doing something as simply as finding a tv remote while Tripping can be a difficult, and outright anxiety inducing experience.
Have a plan. I usually Trip at home, where I will prepare a series of activities for my Tripping self to discover once I’ve finished coming up. These are usually sketch/note books, arts and crafts, a pre-selected music and/or video playlist (I’ll share one I like for mushrooms here, and one I like for LSD here), snacks, tarot cards to play with, a movie or two, and my most particular favorite activity - laying in my hammock.
Having activities prepared and ready for yourself is an excellent method to ensuring you enjoy your time spent in the psychedelic spirit world.
Also, have your space prepared, organized, and cleaned up. There is something ritualistically cathartic about preparing your space, one that you feel comfortably nested in, and that above all else, a place you know you will be safe.
Snacks and Nutrition
Staying fucking hydrated. I cannot stress this enough. If your body is not operating at peak condition, then it stands to reason that it will not endure well with the substance in question. Remember, psychedelics do not remove pain, nor to they leave you feeling numb, rather they will amplify however you are already feeling. If you are feeling sick sober, then you will only feel all the more sick on LSD or psilocybin.
I prefer to go in on a relatively empty stomach, predominantly due to the horror stories passed onto me from friends who had the unfortunate circumstance of pooping while Tripping. They described it as “feeling like my soul was leaving my body through my asshole.” An unsettlingly experience to say the least.
During the Trip (depending whether it’s LSD or mushrooms), I like to generally only eat lighter snacks that air more on the sweet side, and of course pickles (because they are amazing, and they help keep you hydrated). On LSD, I tend to like some of the more processed sweets like sour gummy worms, as well as fruits like grapes and berries. On mushrooms I lean more towards more natural foods like fruit and nuts. I generally avoid meat due to it’s heavy nature, and DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE DRINK MILK WHILE ON LSD. I made this mistake once, opting to try milk and cookies, which resulted in the sensation of feeling like I had a glob of cement churning over in my stomach for the following hour - which translates to roughly 60 years in LSD time.
Closing Thoughts:
By all definitions, I am not what one might consider to be a Rational-Psychonaut, in that I don’t consider the events that occur during a psychedelic experience to exclusively be a series of hallucinatory events transpiring due to chemical alterations and manipulations in the brain. Rather, I air on the side of these experiences being nothing short of divine and mystical, and I incorporate these substances into ceremonial use involving my personal connections with what most religions call “God”.
I have no inclination of selling my beliefs to you, or anybody else for that matter, because I don’t think it would serve anyone, save for my own ego. Instead, I recognize an individual’s path to be their own to walk, and therein they will perhaps (or perhaps not) discover their best understanding of the truth of themselves, and the truth about our beautiful world.
If you choose to use psychedelics, they can very well play a significant role in evolving the manner in which you perceive the world. If you find this notion unsettling, then perhaps they are not for you, because the truth is, that psychedelics are not for everyone. Despite what Dennis Leary proclaimed back in the 1960’s, substances like LSD are not the answer to all of the world’s problems. I do believe however, they can play a significant role in the path of individual self-realization towards a better future, but only if they are treated with respect, and used with the proper amount of care and caution.
On the off chance that a madman like myself is right, and these substances really are gifts from the cosmos, to treat them with an apathetic and egotistical attitude will invite an unstable element of a truly horrifying series of experiences, of which many do not recover.
Be kind, be blessed, and be the be.
Also check out my first novel Chapel Perilous, now available in paperback and Kindle Unlimited.
Good read and quite thorough.
I remember my first Psilocybe Azurescens (liberty caps) experience in Oregon. It was over Easter break and campus was closed. I was staying with a friend and the owner of the house grew mushrooms in the basement. After we ate them we sat down to play gin rummy. Imperceptibly the shrooms kicked in and the Jack of Diamonds was conversing with the Queen of Spades in my card hand. I must've sat there for five minutes watching them move around and talk. Finally, my friend said, "It's your turn, unless you'd rather do something else." Playing cards was too much so I tried to read the Bible, thinking I'd have some profound experience. Instead the words scrambled and floated off the page.
This was not my first experience with psychedelics and certainly not my last, but living in Oregon afforded me many mushroom experiences. Some good, some not so good. That's the role of the dice.
Thank you for posting this and the informative links to testing products.
Really on point B. Thank you.
I remember not too long ago (actually way too long ago) being a green-eared psychic explorer myself, so eager to test myself and blow up my reality. I only wish a guide like this was available so I might have avoided some mistakes.